Creating With Purpose & Breaking Creative Rules


Jamie Anley | Creating With Purpose & Breaking Creative Rules

As a designer and entrepreneur that wants to make the world a better place, navigating his internal compass became Jamie’s number one focus.

In this entertaining and enlightening talk, Jamie recounts how he and his team up-cycled washing machine drums into designer furniture and along the way realised that despite his understanding of design, he needed to sink more time into understanding himself. That being the key that helped guide his energies, his future and current business ventures and more.

“Being able to quickly tap into and recognise the why of what you do in order to stay motivated as a self-employed individual”

Key Highlights

  • 0:20 Relationship to failure is an example of one part of what makes a mindset up. Having a healthy relationship to failure and seeing it as a learning opportunity.

  • 0:40, The way he’s found most freedom in doing what he does is being aware and conscious of how he thinks, the thought patterns, processes, what the voice is saying…etc Able to identify these things means you can change it for the better.

  • 6:00 Company values and how it affects the live of workers when they are put into practice or not put into practice.

  • 9:00 “Unafraid of making fools out of ourselves because we really believed in what we were doing”

  • 9:20 Every few years, loses confidence, motivation and the feeling of purpose behind what he does. Feels like he’s propping up the status quo (related to the idea of wanting to find happiness in something greater than yourself and flow happiness).

  • 9:50 The importance of being able to quickly tap into and recognise the why of what you do in order to stay motivated as a self-employed individual as you are not at the behest of anyone else.

  • 10:30 Talking about doing leadership workshops for Lynx taking their leadership team to the mountains and getting them to connect with why they do their work. But he realised that he basically makes money by helping brands sell more stuff that we don’t need.

  • 12:00 Working with more socially conscious brands that want to do social good with their practices.

“When you feel like you’re working for a purpose that is greater than your own financial return - then you don’t mind breaking the rules and pushing the boundaries.”

12:50 When you feel like you’re working for a purpose that is greater than your own financial return or joy then you don’t mind breaking the rules and pushing the boundaries. That’s where a real element of confidence comes from.

13:20 Confidence is less something you experience and more something that others witness. But he definitely knows when he’s on purpose and on mission.

15:00 Competitiveness within professions is holding people back from realising that their uniqueness is their greatest strength.

23:00 Recognise your strengths and compare that with what you’re actually doing?

✏️ Exercise

Make a list of socially conscious brands that are in your niche.

Find out what their values are. Then ask do they put this into their practice? If so, how? If not, how?

🔍 Further Learning On

“ Confidence is less something you experience and more something that others witness.”

💡 Key Lessons

  1. Having a purpose beyond yourself will motivate you in a deeper and more sustainable way

  2. Knowing yourself and your inner world is as important as you navigate creative business decisions

  3. As a creative entrepreneur you need to cultivate a healthy relationship with failure

💭 Coaching Questions

What is the mission you are serving that is greater than you?

When was the last time you consciously pushed your boundaries?

What personal practices deepen your connection with yourself? Such as meditation, journalling or coaching.